Sunday, August 31, 2014

Masdevallia oscitans

This little guy is one of my favorite Masdevallias.  Mostly because it blooms well at warmer temperates than most. Plus it blooms for a long time. The inflorescences (flower stems) have been active for over six months. Each flower hangs around for about a month and is then replaced with the next one. After several months there is a short rest, where no flowers are present. As long as the inflorescences is green more flowers will come. The flowers are small but look great in high numbers.

It has been outside all summer under moderate shade. The temperature gets into the low 80s in the day and mid 60s at night. I keep it moist but not wet. It is potted in sphagnum moss, bark, and charcoal. This one is definitely worth a try if you are interested in Masdevallias.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Prosthechea cochleata

This is a robust growing Prosthechea cochleata orginally from H&R. Since I purchased it last year,  it has had root die back from too much water, been desiccated by too little water, and been attacked by mites. And it is still going strong! A member of my local orchid society grows his damp in sphagnum moss. When I tried that method, the roots started to die. Next I tried to grow it dry  as a few forums suggested.  The pseudobulbs shriveled miserably. Finally, I landed on a bark based mix with a little sponge rock, charcoal, and sphagnum moss. I think the key is to have a mix the retains some moisture but dry in about 3 days. Between my mix and the clay pot it is in, this plant is completely dry in 3-4 days. I start to see pseudobulb shriveling in about that time so I water every other day.

One of the great thing about this orchid is that it will be in bloom for months. The buds keep on coming and the spike keeps getting longer. So if you have one remember not to cut the spike until it is brown. Also give plenty of water in an airy mix and provide with bright light and good air circulation.

Friday, August 29, 2014

So It Began...

I started growing orchids on a drafty windowsill in my apartment. During grad school, I grew orchids for the aesthetic appeal and the for the challenge. My first orchid was a cute little miniature Phalaenopsis hybrid that my then boyfriend, now fiance, gave me. Unfortunately, it had a little fungal or bacterial rot, and I was not knowledge enough to treat. It took a few months to die, but it eventually died. While waiting for the poor thing the die, we went to the Cleveland Botanical Gardens for Orchid Mania. After that I was hooked and I was determined to grow orchids no matter what. Five years later, I am still growing orchids. I have moved from a windowsill to a grow room and from five orchids to over one hundred. This blog is a simple way for me to share my venture deeper into the orchid hobby. Orchids are not my only hobby. From time to time, some of my other hobbies will make guest appearances. 

By the way, the picture above was the first non-phalaenopsis I purchased - a Miltassia Shelob 'Tolkien' from Trader Joe's. It also died... Clearly that did not discourage me.